Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Is .... by Lisa Lipscomb

Love is an action, a pleasure, an art
I remember when he told me and showed me
He treated our time together, like a treasure
A box that was opened and given new light, everytime we came together
He smiled and I felt it
He laughed and sang and wrote me
Pages and pages of poetry
We danced, we dined, we walked together
Relaxed, we'd unwind

He was the object of my affection
And I was his
I smile thinking about it

The memories, his kiss
He found me when I was out at lunch with my friends
We met as I was leaving
I must see you again
So what began by chance
Blossomed and grew
He shared his love of love
My inspiration lifted and flew
I was touched by his life, his presence, his words
And although we've moved on
I am saturated in a pool of remembering, love is a verb~

Lisa Lipscomb is the author of Somewhere In the Middle Of Love . Her fans enjoy her blog where she often publishes her work, but we're waiting for her next book. (hint, hint, nudge, nudge, Lisa)

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